Monday, June 8, 2009

Beautiful Faces

Saturday Nate and I hosted our first Williams Syndrome picnic at our home. I had contacted the regional director a few months ago. There was not too much going on in this area, but if I wanted to plan something she would help get the word out.

We had about 15 families join us. There were Williams from 2 years old all the way to age 29. I was quite nervous...not only for how it would go, but how Nate and my heart would handle it. I had only met 1 other Williams kid prior to the picnic.

I wish I could say that I was completely encouraged by the event. It was so wonderful to be able to meet other families living and walking this same journey with me. However, it was eye opening and hard to come to terms with some of the life long struggles we will be dealing with.

It was just how I had imagined as far as the kids loving each other. They truly are so sweet and loving. They were holding hands and playing so well together. Hailey had to be sent to the bathroom to get herself together after a break down...a few of the kids quickly followed "Are you OK?" Exactly how Hailey would. I later walked into the playroom to find a few of them getting into the gum ball machine...I was cracking up. The other moms said how much their WS kids, extremely more than their other children, loved sugar! Ha...well that explains a lot!

I absolutely felt a strong connection with several of the other families and hope that this would bring on a strong friendship. One of them, sadly, lives 4 hours away...but has a beautiful 8 year old girl and a similar story to ours. I practically begged her to be sure to call me when she comes to down to Denver so we could hang out.

I'm hoping to plan a get together once a month for whoever is interested..there were at least 5 families that lived fairly close to us. Here's a slide show of the beautiful faces I was privileged to have met.


Tes said...

What a wonderful gathering. I agree with eye opening, lila is now six and it can still be hard. I hope you are able to keep close to those that are near you it is great to have that type of support and to give it.

Alice said...

My son is 13 until next month and has WS. It is so sweet and also kind of sad to see him in many of those faces. I have known 3 other people with Ws. None of them Patrick's age. I would give anything to have a friend with WS for him to know. He has such a hard time with nobody to be his friend.

Britt said...

Jen I am so proud of you for stepping up and making stuff like that happen! I got all teary-eyed watching the slide show. I am glad to know that you and Hailey have other WS connections.

Robin said...

Wow, Jen, what a cool thing you guys did in organizing that! It must help to know that you're not alone, knowing that other people are walking through it too... not to mention an all-powerful God carrying you through! We miss you guys.

Michelle said...

It sounds like the picnic was a success for such a huge get-together! Hopefully you've made some friends for life!

Laura said...

Looks like it was a great time!!

Jessica said...

jen, that was so sweet. i have bittersweet tears for you, i can only imagine how overwhelming it was. but GOOD FOR YOU!