Let's see what else is new...I cut Hailey back on her school hours to 2 1/2 days instead of 5 full days! We get so much time together now and it has been amazing! She is doing so well! She has been such a good girl lately! She melts on my heart on a daily basis! Ashtyn is growing as well! She is starting to talk so much more! Her sentences just keep getting more complex! It's really been fun to watch! It's pretty sweet to see how close the girls have become! They sleep together almost every night and miss each other when they are apart!
I am helping plan a charity walk for Williams Syndrome here in Denver, May 14Th! This is the first one that I have helped plan! It has also helped me meet some other William's families in the Denver area! We are really excited about the event and already have so many friends and family that are coming to show their support!
Lastly I think I have some pretty big news!?!??!
I am seriously considering going to Culinary school this fall! They have a culinary program at one of the state schools here called Red Rocks. It's an apprentice program so we will actually be working in the kitchen at a restaurant! It is a dream of mine and Nate's to eventually start or buy a restaurant. Managing has given me some great experience and I honestly feel that this is what I want as a career.
So that's our update! Hope you all are well!