The modern art I've been working on for way too long is finally hung!
Amy came over on Friday to help me finish. (I honestly don't know what I'd do without her!)

As you can tell...very tedious!

Also, we finished our largest project of the summer...painting the house!
We hired a company to do about 70% of the work and the handyman hubby did the rest. It took us about 2 weeks longer because of all the rain we've had.
Our house before...

I like the color alot. It really pops the house out from all the others!!! What a team you two are: color coordinator and laborer extraordinaire.
Hi, I am a long time follower of your blog, but we have never met. I know your sister-in-law Summer & found your blog through hers. My name is Jennie (nice to meet you). :) I started following your blog forever ago because your home decor caught my eye and I loved seeing all the new and fun ways you would update your house. I've also enjoyed watching your two precious girls get bigger and cuter!
Recently my husband and I bought a house. We're about to close escrow and one of the first things we plan to do is paint the exterior. Our house is very, very similar to yours on the outside with siding & brick work. Just today we were discussing colors and your house came to mind because I loved your new paint job so much. I am wondering if you would be willing to share with me the colors you used (if you even remember). I'm sorry to copy you but, as I like to say...imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! :) If you do remember what colors you used, can you email them to me at I would so appreciate it! And I'm sorry if I'm creeping you out by my gigantic comment, given that you don't even know me!
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