So I officially have a 1st grader now!! A 1ST GRADER...every time it comes out it just doesn't sound right! My sweet little five and a half year old cannot be going into 1ST grade already!!! I remember dropping her off at her first day of preschool! Two and a half hours would feel like eternity and now I have to go without her all day!! I'm going to eat her up this summer and enjoy her as much as I can! She did have some great friendships in Kindergarten that I am hoping she will maintain next year!

Hailey gets to have lunch with all grades and has met a few 2ND grade girls. Although I haven't met them yet, they keep sending Hailey home with the sweetest little letters! I got teary when the first one arrived home in her backpack!
They read:
Dear Hailey,
You are so cute! I love your hair. You are so kind. I love your outfits.
Haley and Grace and Kendal
Dear Hailey,
you are so nice. I love the way you dress. And you are so cute.
Love, Holly & Grace
Dear Hailey,
you are so nice.
How are you doing?
We wish we could see you evre day. You fill our day with joy!
Love, Holly and Grace
If that doesn't melt your heart I don't know what does!!

Hailey's school picture is too funny not to share! I mean I crack up every time I look at it!! You know the moms can't be there to make sure they get the perfect shot!?!?!? AHHHH It totally shows her personality it makes me love it!

20/20 had a special segment on Williams Syndrome on June 10Th. It's pretty interesting! Here is the link if you would like to check it out: It's half way through and about 10 minutes long.