I know I've been terrible at keeping this blog updated! Couldn't be busier...but honestly that's just the way that I like it! ;) I started managing at my restaurant about a month ago. My official title is the "Assistant Manager" and I even have an email address and business cards...funny how exciting that is for me ;) I truly love it and I love my staff and my co-workers! I got the opportunity to escape to Steamboat a few weeks back for a girls weekend away...it's was so refreshing!
Had to hit up the hot springs while we were there!
The girls are doing great! Hailey just finished her last day of school yesterday and is out for 3 LONG weeks! Nate went and registered her for Kindergarten yesterday AHHHH I honestly cannot believe it! She will be starting this fall and will be going full time...yes that means all day everyday! What a big girl...

Ashtyn is doing well also...slowly starting to a few words but is often interrupted by the big sis.
Here's a few picture of us visiting the Butterfly Pavilion.

From snow...
...to spring in a matter of days! Can't wait for more warm whether!
Just starting to get things ready for CANCUN!!! We leave in less than 2 weeks! Nate's job is starting to pick up a little...which means I will start to have to get more childcare for the girls :(

We are possibly going to see if we could get a live in nanny when Aunt Jordan moves out in May. Possibly a college student that we could pay a little and would have free rent in exchange for watching 2 cute little kids! ;) We'll see what we can find!
Catch ya'll on the flip side!